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A Joint Expert Could Be Just What the Court Ordered

A Joint Expert Could Be Just What the Court Ordered


人们通常认为,金融专家证人偏向于客户的经济利益. In reality, 持证专业人员必须遵守各种道德标准,这些标准要求他们在案件中作为专家证人时保持独立和客观 litigation 事.

But sometimes experts aren’t given all of the relevant information, 或者他们可能只听到客户对财务结果的解释, which could skew their conclusions. When this happens, 双方专家可能会得出截然不同的结论,这些结论往往必须在法庭上解决.

如果双方可以公开分享信息——以及专家证人费用——不是更有效吗? 当有争议的各方能够在讨论开始时搁置分歧并对某些关键事实作出规定时, conditions could be right for the use of a joint expert. 在某些情况下,法官甚至可以要求当事各方共同聘请一名专家.

The Benefits

The most obvious benefits of using a joint expert are lower costs, shorter resolution times 和 enhanced credibility. The parties split the fee for one expert, 公司的运作只被一组窥探者观察(和打断), 不是两个. Additionally, joint experts tend be more persuasive, 因为法官和陪审团认为联合聘请的专家比一方聘请的专家更少偏见.

一个不太明显的好处是,联合评估师可以重建受害方之间的信任, 如果他们计划在未来再次互动,哪些是有益的. 例如,分居的配偶可能需要在离婚后共同抚养孩子. 或者,在家族企业申请破产后,兄弟姐妹可能需要照顾年迈的父母. 联合鉴定人的使用可能是迈向未来合作的一小步.

Detailed, Upfront Stipulations

有效的联合专家项目始于一份详细的约定书,其中从一开始就规定了某些关键事实. For instance, when valuing a business interest for divorce, 当事各方可以规定由于缺乏控制和适销性而给予的具体估值折扣,或确定专家应对可自由支配的开支作出的调整, nonoperating assets, 和 contingent assets 和 liabilities.

经验丰富的金融专家知道某一类案件(无论是股东纠纷)的惯常争论点, 离婚或买断——可以帮助双方提前解决这些问题.

因为双方通常会分担聘请联合专家的费用, 双方应就审计业务的范围和报告格式达成一致. For example, will the expert use management’s financial statement forecast, or will the expert create an independent forecast? 估值任务是否包括法务会计程序以核实账户余额? 专家的结论应以口头或正式的书面报告形式报告?


Resistance to Joint Experts

Joint experts aren’t for everyone, however. For example, 在涉及不同规模和获取信息的诉讼当事人的案件中,这种情况不太常见, such as patent infringement claims. Large companies with deep pockets may be less cost sensitive 和, 因此, less inclined to agree to using a joint expert.

当各方无法克服彼此的不信任和敌意时,联合专家也往往效率较低, a prerequisite to using a joint expert. When embittered litigants attempt to use a joint expert, 有一方可能会质疑专家的结论, 尤其是小股东,他们可能会因为专家花更多时间与控股股东在一起而怨恨专家.

此外, if a case is likely to wind up in court, 律师可以决定聘请单独的专家,其通信受客户-律师特权的保护. 各方与联合专家的所有通信通常都是可发现的.

Spotlight on Collaboration

共同离婚是20世纪90年代在明尼苏达州兴起的一种日益增长的趋势. 今天, 对于离婚夫妇来说,这是一种越来越流行的降低成本的方式, maintain control 和 minimize hard feelings. In a collaborative divorce, the parties contractually agree to:

  • Openly 和 honestly share information,
  • Negotiate in good faith, 和
  • Settle their differences outside of court.

Both spouses hire their own attorneys, 但他们同意分享中立的金融专家和心理健康顾问, who are paid out of community funds. 在共同离婚案件中,只有在法官批准无争议离婚时才会出现在法庭上, self-imposed settlement agreement.

Collaborative divorce isn’t just for small marital estates. The wealthier a couple is, 他们在漫长的法庭斗争和法院强制和解中遭受的损失就越大.

A Worthwhile Consideration

The next time you’re seeking a financial expert, consider using a joint expert to save time 和 money. 你最清楚诉讼双方是否能现实地搁置分歧,共同努力争取公平, objective conclusion.

For more information, contact Jane Ochsman Rowny via our online contact form.

Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell (老葡京手机app) is a professional services firm delivering tax, 会计和商业咨询专业知识遍及大西洋中部地区的办事处 Bethesda, MD 和 Washington, DC

联系 Jane Ochsman Rowny, CPA, CFP®, CDFA®View Profile

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